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2D Animated Explainer Video Services

2D Animated Explainer Video Services


Animation video services use visual storytelling to promote brands effectively. Short 60-to 90-second customized explainer videos leverage 2D/3D animation, typography, and motion graphics tailored for each client. Often, in-house creative teams, while skilled at other visual content development, may struggle to narrow down services into compelling and digestible explainer videos.

That’s where dedicated video production studios specializing in animation come in. They simplify messaging into impactful animations leveraging graphics, motion, and creative expertise tailored specifically for video results.

Purpose of Animated Videos

Animation videos serve important strategic purposes for brands looking to creatively explain, educate, promote, and build awareness. While stylish animation aims to delight and engage viewers, the format also provides functional utility, making messaging more impactful.

Specifically, some top goals fueling investments into animated video content include the need to:

  • Explain complex products or services by breaking down intricate systems, advanced technologies, or multifaceted abstract concepts using characters, 3D models, and visual metaphors so that audiences better understand offered values.
  • Demonstrate how things work through realistic motion design, interactions, and transformations for showing abstract processes, best practice methodologies, and imbuing visual educational tools to guide usage journeys.
  • Promote upcoming offerings or product launches by teasing audiences, generating buzz, and bridging marketing campaign narratives cinematically to sustain interest between announcements.
  • Educate audiences by blending entertainment with vital information for clearer communication, facilitating visual consumption of sometimes dense subject matter through memorability.
  • Build awareness interest by capturing wide attention spans and leaning into the popularity of vibrant media while aligning visual identities with brand messaging circled back to repeatedly.

When done effectively, animation videos enable organizations to explain complex ideas simply, promote strategically, educate creatively, and build memorable awareness campaigns with compelling sight, sound, and motion.

Learn more about animated video production services here.

Why Invest in Video Animation

Animation video services provide a multitude of benefits over static media when it comes to engaging audiences, storytelling, branding, and lead generation. When weighing animation services against traditional visual communication, animated explainer videos enable increased performance metrics.

Specifically, data-backed advantages include:

  • Improved storytelling via plots, characters, and continuity for more memorable messaging.
  • Enhanced brand image and identity recognition through art direction and striking visual creative expression.
  • Viral marketing potential enabled by bold aesthetics and animation igniting social shares.
  • Capturing modern audiences better than static graphics thanks to sleek information presentation.

Explore animated explainer video services.

Types of Animation Videos

When commissioning animated video services, clients choose between distinct visual styles for explainer video deliverables. Two core options for animated characters and scene rendering include 2D illustration and 3D modeling. Understanding the strengths of each animation style allows for matching the best method to audiences and messaging goals.

Key animation modalities involve:

  • 2D animation: Drawing assets frame-by-frame leveraging familiar and flexible cartoon-like vector illustrations. Allowing creativity with original animated characters and more cost-effective design iteration, this style is great for startups, gaming apps, and capturing youthfulness. While dimensionality is limited over 3D pathways, scenes gain more artistic stylization potential through cinematic camera angles and framing.
  • 3D animation: Leveraging powerful 3D computer modeling and texturing allows for constructing fully three-dimensional environments with objects and viewing them through an unbounded range of camera angles for realistic and dimensional visuals. Especially beneficial for educational and promotional videos showcasing physical products and vehicles or demonstrating intricate real-world services. Although generally more expensive than 2D, no compromise on even complex quality animation is necessary for precisely showcasing procedures or complex equipment flawlessly for better-informed audiences.

For example, companies in industries like manufacturing and healthcare development seeking to highlight product offerings through comprehensive visual demonstrations benefit greatly from hyper realistic representation capabilities of 3D animation styles to make marketing visuals resemble catalog-worthy product shots.

Companies can achieve the greatest impact by selecting the animation style that best aligns with their industry and target audience. Carefully matching the animation technique to the messaging and viewers allows videos to communicate ideas more effectively.


Ready to create your video?


Choosing the Right Animation Style

Selecting the right animation style is crucial for visual stories when commissioning video services so that completed marketing visuals effectively influence target audiences. Of course, while aesthetic considerations matter, practical implications regarding messaging should drive technical approaches, ultimately boosting content performance.

Several key factors play a role in determining the ideal animation pathway for your business:

  • Brand Personality: What tonality, maturity, and whimsicality levels does current branding require animations to emulate? How might established visual identities translate drawing or modeling character assets?
  • Target Audiences: Are key demographics inclined toward realism or accept some abstraction of concepts hinted at through stylistic illustration? Complex services may require exacting 3D demonstrations speaking to analytical preferences.
  • Message Complexity: Often, the sophistication of technology or intricacy of multistep services in videos demands real-world 3D visualization so viewers comprehend details clearly, unlike metaphoric or exaggerated styles unable to convey nuances accurately.

Fine-tuning animation production styles balancing artistic expression, fluid motions, evocative visuals, and precise messaging allows video animation services to resonate powerfully with audiences.

The Creative Process at Digital Brew

Bringing an animated explainer video to life takes an extensive production process from start to finish. Here at Digital Brew, we utilize an Emmy award-winning video production methodology perfected from over a decade of creating successful explainer content for global brands. Our tailored creative process allows customizing visually stunning animations to promote and strengthen our clients’ messaging and brands.

These are the key stages of the animated video production process at Digital Brew:

1. Creative Briefing Session

  • Initial discovery meeting to understand messaging, target audiences, goals, and creative direction to inform scripts.

2. Script and Storyboard Development

  • Writers utilize creative briefs to craft scripts approved by clients before visual assets are made.
  • Illustrators compose storyboards, bringing scripts to life through initial frames and scene sketches.

3. Mood Boards and Style Frame Creation

  • Clients select preferred visual styles, characters, and backgrounds from a mood board presentation.
  • Designers make custom-style frames of assets matching artistic directions.

4. Animation and Rigging

  • Artists use tools like Adobe After Effects to animate designed assets fluidly across fully built-out video scenes based on corresponding scripts & storyboards.

5. Voiceover Recording

  • Vocal talent records narrations matching animated content and client-provided direction.

6. Post-Production and Delivery

  • Video editors refine animations with integrated voiceovers, balanced audio, and color correction and prepare files for client use.

The client can provide feedback during multiple stages to minimize surprises and ensure the final product effectively represents their brand. Our explainer video production provides a transparent, collaborative creative process focused on bringing clients’ visions to life through visual storytelling.


Freshly Brewed Animated Videos


At Digital Brew, we are passionate about creating captivating and effective explainer videos to achieve our clients’ business goals using whichever techniques suit them best. As an Emmy award-winning video production company based in Orlando, our talented in-house team brings together decades of experience across 2D and 3D animation, motion graphics, and live action.

We don’t just focus on making beautiful videos—we ensure they drive results and conversions for your brand. Our video conversion kits help clients get the most mileage from their investment by providing dedicated resources for promotion and distribution. We also pride ourselves on open communication, transparency, and always delivering exceptional work on time as promised.

With over 21 Emmy awards recognizing our productions, Digital Brew explainer videos showcase products clearly, educate audiences memorably, and boost brand awareness creatively. Whether a startup looking for an affordable introduction video or an enterprise-level company needing technical processes explained flawlessly, we craft custom animated stories that speak to your audiences!

Contact us today or call us at 407-454-3938. Check out our Case Studies to learn how our award-winning team has collaborated with brands across industries to create engaging explainer content that educates audiences and converts viewers.

Frequently Asked Questions

Key benefits of animation videos for businesses include higher audience engagement, simplified explanations of complex products/services, improved storytelling through visuals and characters, increased brand awareness and recall, viral marketing potential on social media, and added ability to connect emotionally with target viewers. Well-produced animations provide significant ROI.

2D motion graphics and illustrations work well for branding and marketing messages meant to be inviting and creative. 3D animation and CGI are photo-realistic for displaying technical product functionality accurately. And whiteboard animation can feel personal for complex concepts or company culture videos. Styles are matched to the audience and goals.