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Brewmaster Spotlight: Ana Hill

March 15, 2022

Brewmaster Spotlight: Ana Hill

Name:  Ana Hill

Nicknames:  Flaka, Flaquis, Anita, Any

Hometown: Mexico City

Where to find you online: Instagram:

When did you start at Digital Brew? 

Feb 21, 2022

What the heck do you do here? 

Some illustrations!

What are you listening to lately? 

Depends on the mood, it could be  Caro Esmerald, Fonseca, Coldplay, and if I wanna cheer up Tren del cielo – Soledad or La Sonora Dinamita 🙂

What is your favorite movie of all time? Why? 

The Ugly Truth, cause it’s funny and like the theme. 

Favorite thing about working at Digital Brew:

Working with new people and their energy. 

Most visited webpage: 

Besides gmail,youtube, think dribbble. 

What do you do in your free time: 

Go to coffee shops to read, walk Bruno, or hang out with friends. 

Favorite podcast: 

Mmm I have many I loveee, but might be Spiritual Shit or De todo mucho.

Best thing about living in Mexico City:

Guess the weather and the people, and there’s always something to do. 

Favorite quote? 

Don’t be a lady, be a legend. 🙂