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Brewmaster Spotlight: Richard Belsan
June 27, 2022

Name: Richard Belsan
Nicknames: Rich
Hometown: Orlando, FL
Where to find you online:
@RichBelsan on Instagram or Twitter
When did you start at Digital Brew?
May 27, 2022
What the heck do you do here?
I write and edit scripts, blogs, copy, or anything else that might need words.
What are you listening to lately?
The Mountain Goats are usually a go-to. Movie scores are a must when I write. Recently I’ve also gotten into a little kpop.
What is your favorite movie of all time? Why?
Here’s two: High Strung is one of the funniest movies to me and shaped a big chunk of my personality. The Evil Dead is one of the most impactful films for me because not only is it gnarly as hell but it blew me away for what it accomplished on such a low budget. It made filmmaking actually seem possible.
Favorite thing about working at Digital Brew:
I get paid to write with a bunch of cool people.
Most visited webpage:
What do you do in your free time:
Watch movies, play video games, and take naps with my dog.
Favorite podcast:
Blank Check with Griffin and David. Each series covers a different directors’ entire filmography.
Best thing about where you live:
At the heart of Orlando you can find a lot of great locally owned shops, breweries, and restaurants.
Favorite quote?
“Bad luck to kill a seabird.” – The Lighthouse
To meet the rest of our Brewmasters, check us out here!