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Brewmaster Spotlight: Thais Bolton
August 31, 2021

Name: Thais Bolton
Nicknames: Tatinha, Tata
Hometown: Petrópolis – RJ – Brazil
Where to find you online: thaisbolton.com
When did you start at Digital Brew?
August 2021
What the heck do you do here?
2D Illustration
What are you listening to lately?
Podcasts, The Self-Driven Child Audiobook or some Brazilian songs
What is your favorite movie of all time? Why?
Lion King. The circle of life!
Favorite thing about working at Digital Brew:
Cool projects and peaceful and family environment
Most visited webpage:
Behance, Pinterest
Favorite podcast:
Caminho das Pedras with Gabriel Soares and Heloisa Duda
Best thing about living in Orlando:
Feels like Brazil
Favorite quote?
“You became responsible, forever, for what you have tamed” Antonie de Saint-Exupéry