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Inside Look: The Warrior

May 20, 2016

Inside Look: The Warrior
When Michele Mann, friend and founder of M3 Makeup Artists, was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia her life changed forever. In a battle against all odds, she chose to fight. Michele became a warrior. Our team is proud to share to Michele’s story as she continues to inspire us and others every day. Beau Benson, Senior Animator, shares a bit about our creative process behind this project.
While working on the look of the piece, one theme we kept coming to was how cancer is like a relentless force of nature. We experimented with double exposure techniques, using imagery of burning forests and tumbling storms over Michele, showing the danger inside her.
The warrior screen shotthe warrior video screen shot Another aspect of the visuals was the use of color. Magenta hues bleed over her, and she falls into the dark as feelings of hopelessness and fear take hold. Michele doesn’t give in to this, and a fierce blue courses through her as she finds the strength to fight. the warrior video screen shot She applies blue marks and a bright flaming streak to her face as she prepares to stand face to face with cancer. In the end she becomes fully realized as she no longer is afraid. The warrior Michele MannMichele Mann the Warrior video For Michele’s full story visit Check out more inside scoops on our projects and creative process here.