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Making the Most of Your CTA

January 19, 2023

Making the Most of Your CTA

You’ve seen us talk about CTA’s (call to action) before. We broke down what they were and why you should always have one in your marketing campaigns. And we hope you’re using them. Otherwise, how would you drive anyone to go where you want them to? But now here’s the bigger question: How do you make the most of your CTA?

Stand Out!

We’ve all been frustrated with sites before where we seem interested in the product or service but we’re forced to click through multiple pages and dig through menus just trying to find a way to reach out. You’ve probably already lost interest half way through. Heck, you probably got frustrated just reading that description of digging through a site.

Part of making the most of your CTA is ensuring that it stands out from the rest of the ad, copy, or website. You want it to be unbelievably simple for your audience to engage with your CTA. Make sure that button on your site for interaction stands out and is immediately available. Even if the CTA is in a video, the link you want to drive them to should be clickable somewhere in the description. Our friends at HubSpot made this great breakdown of one of their CTAs and how it stands out.

Make the Most of Your CTA – FOR A LIMITED TIME!

No, making the most of your CTA isn’t something that’s going to go away. It’ll always be important. But what is important, is to create a sense of urgency to get people to engage with your CTA. Is your free trial offer only running for a specific time frame? Is the item you’re selling only being made in a small quantity? Is there a special discount offer that’s only available for the month? This is the kind of information you want to get across in your CTA. By making the thing you’re selling appear more time sensitive, you’re enticing potential customers to engage because there might be a good deal.

Drive Them to the Right Place

This is something that’s just as important as the CTA. It’s where the CTA is driving someone. We’ll be talking more about landing pages in a couple of weeks so we won’t get too in the weeds yet. But you want to make sure the page you’re driving potential customers to is just as intuitive as the CTA button they clicked. If they’re clicking for a demo, make sure you take them immediately to a page to download that demo. Don’t just send them to your main home page where they’d have to dig through menus to find that demo. This kind of seems like a no-brainer but if we’re saying it, well, it’s because it needs to be said. Where you’re driving your customers is just as important as the initial click. Otherwise, you’re not making the most of your CTA.

Click Here to Brew

And here’s where we get into our own CTA. We’ve given you some good marketing tips and now we want to drive you to engage with us. Because this blog is all about CTAs we’re just being a little more transparent about it. We’d love to discuss more marketing ideas with you and also help you inject some great videos into your marketing campaign. So when you’re ready to chat, make sure to click HERE!

Let’s Brew This!