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Secret Sauce: 3 Ways To Increase Your Following On Twitter

November 9, 2015

Secret Sauce: 3 Ways To Increase Your Following On Twitter
Social media is such a powerful marketing tool. But are you taking full advantage of your Twitter account? If you haven’t been giving your Twitter enough love, we have a few ideas on how you can increase your following to help you boost your marketing efforts on this social media platform.
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Time and time again we see organizations, clients, and even marketing agencies not taking advantage of the power of Twitter. Aside from simply being active on the platform, here are 3 ways to increase your following on Twitter:

1. Use no more than 2 hashtags.

According to Twitter, users receive 100% more reach by simply using hashtags. But don’t use more than 2. Because actual engagement drops by 17% if you do. Well… You know, because nobody likes a try-hard.

2. Incorporate videos.

Although, you can only upload a video to Twitter from its mobile app, the auto play feature makes it really easy for you to attract the attention of your audience and interact with them for a longer period of time.

3. Keep up on Twitter trends.

A good idea at the right time is the recipe for a viral video. Be sure to check the left side of your Twitter feed from time-to-time to be able to see what’s trending. Thought this video was awesome? Subscribe to our channel. We’ll see you next week for an all-new Secret Sauce.