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Twitter Users Flocking to Video

July 1, 2015

Twitter Users Flocking to Video
Video is a power medium to share stories, evoke emotions and promote ideas. The latest research shows that of all the social medias, Twitter is the one that watches the most videos. With a study of over 1000 users in more than 14 countries, it was revealed that Twitter users absolutely love to play, share and upload videos. 82% watch video content on Twitter rather than any other social network and 41% agree that Twitter is a great place to discover videos while YouTube is better for watching a specific one. Twitter responded in kind to this research and launched new promotional services in order to encourage video marketing strategies. Brands can now upload and distribute videos and even measure their reach and effectiveness with analytic tools. Twitter also launched a native video player and video embedding service that made it way easier for consumers to use twitter videos, without needing another video hosting site. This is a strike against YouTube and Facebook (who doesn’t allow video embedding yet). Wohoo Twitter! Twitter logo on iphone

What does this mean for your brand?

Among the many videos inundating Twitter, the standout one is our personal favorite, the animated explainer. We’ve previously talked about the benefits of animated explainers but in case you missed it, go back and read it. Seriously, I’ll wait. OK, all caught up? Good, so obviously these videos are essential to drumming up business. Twitter users expect to get information quickly and easily. Whether it is in 140 characters or a 20-second video. Short, fun and happy are the way to a Tweeters heart. Animated explainers are a brief and captivating marketing tool that explains products or services in a few minutes, boosting sales and enhancing SEO efforts. No other marketing content can match their amazing branding power on social media! If the idea of making an animated explainer for Twitter has intrigued you, drop us a line at or tweet at us at @digitalbrew_co