Laura is the newest addition to our Digital Brew family. An SEO geek by nature, Laura thinks about keywords all day and she keeps us all upbeat with her bubbly personality.
Read on and get to know her!
What do you do here at DB?
That’s actually a tough question! There are so many things that come to mind – I’m a Digital Strategist. In a nutshell, I help manage our marketing and online strategy. I research, analyze, develop, implement, track, measure, and repeat!
What do you like the most about being a Digital Strategist?
I love that what I do helps people find our services, which ultimately help improve their businesses. Thanks to our online marketing efforts we are able to partner with awesome companies across the nation and across the world.
We hear you’re SEO-crazy…
Haha, you think so?! I really am SEO crazy. To me, SEO is like a puzzle that I’m perpetually trying to solve. It’s continuously challenging and exciting!
Marketing Wizard by day…
I am an office supply hoarder by night. I have an entire collection of washi tape, all the colors, all the prints. I love my colored pens. Post-its are essential. And my planner is my best friend. I just adore cute stuff.
Coffee or tea?
I actually like both. Coffee in the morning, tea at night.
Favorite marketing tool?
Google Analytics! It’s a great tool for understanding our audience.
If you were a GIF, which would you be?
Adorbs. We wouldn’t expect anything less. Thanks for chatting with us, Laura!
To meet the rest of our Brewmasters, check us out here!