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Top 5 Explainer Videos for Mobile Apps

December 12, 2022

Top 5 Explainer Videos for Mobile Apps

Welcome to another Top 5 list for animated explainer videos! This week, we’re going to be looking at explainer videos for mobile apps. But simply showing a person looking at their phone can get a little boring. So mobile apps always give us fun opportunities to get creative with how to show what they can do. And since 77% of people use their phones or tablets to watch videos anyway, it’s even easier for that audience to click a few buttons to immediately download an app. Like last week, we’re gonna give you a nice mix of animated and live action examples.

The Winning Seat Explainer Video

Our first video this week is a live action explainer video for The Winning Seat. They wanted a kick-ass video to show off their live-action sports sweepstakes app. The vision for it was summed up in one word: Sizzly. Brewmaster Brent Mayorca delivered with flying colors! He even used some of the same techniques shown off here in our latest episode of What’s New with the Brew Crew!

Garner Animated Explainer Video

Garner came to us looking for an animated explainer video for their app that effectively explains how it works. They wanted to showcase how easy it is to find doctors in your network as well as provide reviews for various metrics. Current and past brewmasters Beau Benson and Andrea crafted this slick animated explainer video that shows off the app’s range of helpful features.

Flip Ride Animated Explainer Video

We paired these next two together because they’re both apps to help you sell your car. This will give you a nice comparison on how we can work with a similar concept but make very different videos in both animation and live action. Flip Ride is the first up. Together again, brewmasters Beau Benson and Andrea emphasized Flip Ride’s capabilities through cool color tones, fluid animation, and lively music in this animated explainer video

Blinker Explainer Video

The second explainer video in this “selling your car with an app” pair is for Blinker. What was so cool about crafting this video is that Digital Brew got to team up with Ringling College of Art and Design to assist with some of the visual effects. This partnership is designed to give their students opportunities to work on real client work for real world experiences. Obviously the most fun part of this video for us at DB HQ was creating the effects for cars exploding into money. Sean Benson edited the explainer video and worked on set to help ensure the VFX would work, while Beau Benson animated the exploding money.

Doubles Animated Explainer Video

Doubles reached out to us for their competitive social sports app. Brewmasters Beau Benson and Doug Jarman created an EMMY NOMINATED (!!) animated explainer that helped promote the fun you can have with your friends while competing with sports stats and outcomes. Not only that, but they even created a fascinating behind the scenes video that shows how a character for one of the videos can come to life!

Mobile Brewing

We hope you’ve enjoyed this look at the explainer videos we’ve made for mobile apps. We think these five videos are a great reflection of the expansive styles in our toolbox here at Digital Brew. We’ve got one more blog in this Top 5 series coming up this year. If you’ve seen anything you like or even want to see something you haven’t yet, reach out to us here and see how we can take your video to the next level!