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Braintrust Case Study

Braintrust’s Sleek Explainer


Braintrust needed a video to share on their social platforms, as well as something to put on their website to help explain just how they are moving to improve the way freelancers work. Thus, this bright and beautiful animated explainer was born.

Braintrust is changing the way we work by creating a user-controlled talent network based on a model that benefits both enterprises and talent alike. And with such a bold goal in mind, we knew they needed an even bolder video.


Our illustrator, Andrea Uruburok, and animator Kyle Harter, wanted to keep the look and feel of this video to not only be unique, but clean and simple. Their reasoning? They didn’t want to over-complicate such a bold and simple message.

“I just wanted to communicate stuff as simply as possible. The Braintrust style, messaging, and even their whole business model really caters to ‘simple’ in a world where freelancers get the short end of the stick.” – Kyle Harter, Animator at Digital Brew

Behind the Scenes Bonus:

Accorting to animator Kyle, the most challenging shot in this particular video was the opening sequence of transitioning from one character inside their block breaking into colorful 3-D cubes dropping into an isometric field.



While they haven’t put their video into action just yet (COVID-19 gave them some set-backs) Braintrust has high expectations of the ROI they’ll see after their video goes live!

For an animated video made by a team who will work to truly understand your business, Digital Brew is the studio for you!

Let’s Brew This!

It was an all around all-star experience, we’ll do lots more business with you guys.

Adam Jackson