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Fuel Your Company Growth With SaaS Explainer Videos

May 27, 2024

Fuel Your Company Growth With SaaS Explainer Videos

Do you want to grow your software-as-a-service (SaaS) business? Look no further than SaaS explainer videos. These short, engaging videos explain what a SaaS product does and why viewers should use it, and use visuals, characters, and narration to showcase features and benefits in an easy-to-digest way.

Over the past decade, SaaS explainer videos have become popular among B2B companies. With catchy animation and messaging, your video can capture attention in a competitive space.

Discover what explainer videos are.

Benefits of Using a SaaS Explainer Video

A SaaS explainer video offers multiple advantages for companies promoting their products and engaging with their target audience. These short-form videos can help increase conversions and provide a cost-effective, high-impact marketing solution for SaaS product demos and visually showcasing complex software concepts.

An explainer video is valuable across many aspects of SaaS customer acquisition:

  • Boost website conversions and move prospects down the funnel by visually depicting how your software helps customers and the value it provides through an animated product demo video.
  • Use visual storytelling to communicate complex SaaS product offerings and workflows that are traditionally harder to convey through walls of dense text alone.
  • Rapidly build brand awareness by creating more shareable and “snackable” content to showcase your SaaS offerings across social channels.
  • Achieve greater reach with visually catchy and emotionally engaging product demo videos that are fun to watch and pass on.

Creating an explainer video is undoubtedly one of the most versatile solutions for SaaS companies looking to boost website conversions, compellingly explain their product, build brand recognition, and disseminate their core value prop to the broadest audience possible.

Key Differentiators: Types of SaaS Explainer Videos

When creating an animated explainer video for your SaaS product, there are a few main animation styles and formats to consider: 2D animation, 3D animation, and motion graphics. Choosing the right visual style can optimize viewer engagement and understanding of your software.

  • 2D animation uses two-dimensional vector images and graphics. This allows a versatile and scalable format to demonstrate SaaS product concepts and workflows.
  • 3D animation renders more realistic environments and interfaces that mimic tangible objects. This style can work well if you need to showcase physical product features.
  • Motion graphics leverage typography, shapes, transitions, and digital effects. This style is well-suited for showcasing flow diagrams of SaaS processes.

Some key factors that dictate what animation style makes the most impact on your SaaS demo video:

  • Complexity of your software’s features and functionality
  • Importance of conveying realistic product textures and details
  • Aligning the video style to your brand personality and storytelling

For example, 3D animation helps if you break apart a piece of physical hardware to showcase capabilities. At the same time, clean and scalable 2D formats work well to map out SaaS workflows in an engaging way.

Elements of an Impactful SaaS Explainer Video

Bringing an explainer video to life takes careful planning and execution across production stages. Investing in each step will ensure your SaaS video communicates your brand story:

Crafting a Video Storyboard

  • Map out visual sequences showcasing product workflows, characters, and messaging.
  • Outline key scenes relevant to understanding your SaaS software.
  • Align the story arc to the core messages you want viewers to retain.

Writing an Engaging Script

  • Seamlessly move between explanatory details and entertaining hooks.
  • Maintain consistent SaaS branding and personality in narration.
  • Enable the voiceover to guide the viewer through key video scenes smoothly.

Animating with SaaS Video Experts

  • Partner with experienced animators to infuse visual interest.
  • Translate scenes into expertly designed graphics and sequences.
  • Distinguish your SaaS product video from lifeless slides.

Matching Brand Storytelling Elements

  • Incorporate existing brand assets like logo, colors, and mascots.
  • Boost consistency across videos and marketing materials.
  • Leverage styles to reinforce retention of your unique SaaS.

Investing in high-quality animation and visual storytelling engages viewers on an emotional level that plain text cannot achieve. Work with the pros at Digital Brew to showcase your distinct SaaS brand and offerings. As an Emmy award-winning explainer video company, we are known for closely collaborating with clients through each explainer video production step. After presenting initial concepts, our team refines scripts and storyboards based on your feedback to better capture your brand’s essence and product messaging for the highest viewer engagement.

Learn more about the explainer video process.

Promoting Your SaaS Explainer Video

Once your polished SaaS promo video is complete, distribution and promotion are key to achieving maximum impact. Leveraging various platforms expands your reach and drives more traffic back to your site.

Website Embedding

  • Host natively on-site pages like Home, About Us, and Pricing.
  • Include on product pages to boost conversion rates.
  • Embed in blog posts and case studies related to your software.

Social Media Promotion

  • Share on YouTube, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook.
  • Use captions and hashtags to help content be discovered.
  • Run as video ads to retain viewer attention over text/image ads.
  • Post on industry blogs, podcasts, and award sites.
  • Utilize rich schema markup so it indexes appropriately.
  • Embed on case studies highlighting client success with SaaS.

The expertise doesn’t stop once your SaaS video is finished. Digital Brew provides additional resources to amplify your video marketing success. These include access to educational series on optimization best practices, social media accelerator kits, strategic consulting sessions, future design asset access, and subtitles for accessibility. With this full suite of promotional materials included, Digital Brew ensures you have the tools to convert viewers into engaged customers.

Case Studies: SaaS Explainer Video Examples

Digital Brew’s award-winning animation has fueled successful explainer videos for various SaaS companies. These real-world examples showcase brands finding tangible growth with custom animated content.

Specific Digital Brew SaaS product videos include:

HHAeXchange – Improved Sales Enablement

  • Needed a way to communicate complex healthcare software concisely.
  • Digital Brew created short, engaging videos highlighting key features.
  • Videos helped train reps and close more sales opportunities.
  • Explainer videos drove $70k in new opportunities and 25% higher conversions.

“I have worked with a lot of other vendors. There’s really no comparison. It’s effortless with Digital Brew. They handle everything and always deliver an amazing final product.” – Kaitlin Olcott, Director of Marketing

Merlin Guides – Stronger Customer Engagement and Brand Messaging

  • Required differentiation in crowded B2B space.
  • Blend of motion graphics and live video content.
  • Helped attract better engineering talent.
  • Aligned and elevated overall brand perception.

“Communication is really clear. Timelines are really clear. We felt like [Digital Brew] was willing and excited to go the extra mile across the board, so that was really exciting for us.” – Merlin Guide

Freshly Brewed SaaS Explainer Videos with Digital Brew

When it comes to producing SaaS explainer videos that move the needle for your business, you need a specialized agency combining animation expertise with a marketing-first mindset. That agency is Digital Brew.

Unlike other video companies, Digital Brew’s priority is achieving your KPIs—not just making pretty pictures. With an in-house team of artists, animators, and writers shaped by a data-driven growth focus, Digital Brew creates custom 2D, 3D, and live-action explainer videos tailored to your goals.

Our blend of Emmy award-winning technical excellence and results-driven strategy is why:

  • 93% of clients agreed videos increased product comprehension.
  • 83% saw improved website traffic.
  • 75% witnessed sales boosts.
  • 86.7% achieved strong ROI.

Digital Brew also stands out with our support long after completing your SaaS video. This includes access to educational series on optimization tactics, social media launch kits, personal consulting, and future design asset access so you can repurpose vector art. We produce digital content that sparks action while educating you on connecting those videos to broader initiatives.

Ready to elevate your SaaS marketing with the help of specialist video brewers steeping messenger, medium, and outcomes in perfect harmony? Contact our team today to get the conversation started. Let’s brew this.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the process for a SaaS explainer video production one-time project?

For a one-time SaaS explainer video, the process typically involves identifying goals, crafting a script and storyboard, animation production, and follow-up promotion. Expect multiple revisions to finalize a video.

Should my SaaS explainer video be animated or live-action?

Animation provides flexibility to demonstrate software concepts visually, while live action can be limited. Evaluate your budget, needs, and audience. Some SaaS companies use a hybrid approach with animation and snippets of actual footage.

How can I maximize the impact of my SaaS explainer video?

Promote natively on your homepage, product pages, and all social channels. Send directly to prospects—Repurpose clips for ads. Add to your sales playbooks. Email subscribers and embed in blogs—nurture video viewers through the conversion funnel for maximum ROI.