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Video Marketing Trends to Look For in 2021
January 29, 2021

Apart from resolutions we’ll probably never keep, new years also bring new trends in the wonderful world of video marketing and explainer videos. Here at Digital Brew, we like to stay ahead of those trends not just because we’re video nerds, but because we like to keep our clients in-the-know as well.
So, based on what we’ve heard from clients at the end of 2020 and beginning of 2021, here are the top 3 trends we predict will dominate video marketing in 2021!
Website Headers
We’re going to let you in on a little secret, because at this point it really shouldn’t be a secret to anyone. Google LOVES video. Well, more so their bots. Google has little bots they send out that crawl through websites and help them determine where to rank that website on the search results. One of the big things these bots look for is the use of video on a site’s homepage.
The trends we’re starting to see show us that not only will clients put explainer videos on their homepage, but they will make them part of their website layout by making them the header of their homepage. If you want an example of this, you can just check out our homepage!
Virtual Conferences/Presentations
Everyone is tired of hearing of how “strange of a year” 2020 was. And although we seem to be almost out of the woods here, the pandemic and social distancing has left a lasting impact on our society, mainly in the digital world.
We’re seeing a trend where more and more events are moving to the digital space to save time and money. While some events will still be in-person (because otherwise we’d all go crazy), many events are choosing to stay digital, and when that’s the case, they need video to help create an immersive experience, even when everything is on a screen.
Onboarding Videos
Another way the weirdness of 2020 has impacted video trends for 2021 is with jobs and the workplace. Many companies who have been operating remotely plan to do it indefinitely. So, a great tool for them to use would be to create animated onboarding videos for their new hires.
Not only do videos like these help new employees understand what it is they’ll be doing, but it keeps them entertained (duh, animation), and gives them an in-depth look at your company and what it stands for.
Things to Remember
So with the trends out of the way, let’s look to the past, and talk about a few things to remember when using video for your business.
- Keep it concise.
- About 60 seconds, less if you’re posting to social platforms.
- Make sure it’s optimized for mobile.
- This includes your video and your website AND your emails, and pretty much everything else. It’s a mobile-first world after all!
- Use your art assets wherever you can!
- Check out this blog we wrote on the topic!
Let Us Guide You Through 2021
No one really knows what this year will bring, but we can all hope for the best. In terms of video marketing, though, The Digital Brew Crew has a pretty solid idea, and we’d love to help guide you through. As always we’re here if you have any questions about video, marketing, or pretty much anything, because we just love talking.
If you want to chat, schedule a call with us here.
Let’s Brew This!